Sunday, June 26, 2016

All Saints Church, Trimulgiry

All Saints Church was constructed in 1860 AD to serve the British Cantonment of Secunderabad. The church was the first permanent structure in the Trimulgherry Entrenchment. It is located in the Trimulgherry locality of Secunderabad. It was originally a Garrison Church, presided by Army Chaplains but was subsequently bequeathed to the Church of South India in 1947.

The church is an imposing Gothic structure with a multitude of turrets and a tower belfry. The altar piece of the church is a beautiful stained glass window depicting Jesus carrying the cross. The stained glass window is dated 1884. Antique pews, lamps along with a baptismal font are some of the prized possessions of the church.

As most of the churches and temples in India, photography is not allowed inside the church unlike in USA where there are no restrictions either in churches or temples over there. I cannot comprehend the reasons, which are best known to the persons who choose to prohibit.

Hence I could only photograph the exteriors of this fine old church with Fuji Finepix 70EXR point and shoot camera.

Please click on the pictures for bigger version for better appreciation.

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