Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Hampi - ruins of a magnificient empire

Hampi was the capital of Vijayanagar, a 14th century empire. The ruins of this imperial capital are spread out over an area of 26km. Before the fall of Vijayanagar, diamonds were sold on the streets. A World Heritage Site, Hampi is a place where one can be lost among the ruins, or simply be mesmerised by the vagaries of nature.The site is significant historically and architecturally. The topography abounds with large stones which have been used to make statues of Hindu deities.The extant monuments of Vijanagara or Hampi can be divided into Religious, Civil & Military buildings. While most of the monuments at Hampi are from the Vijayanagara period, a small proportion may be assigned to pre-Vijayanagara times.Hampi has various notable Hindu temples with some mythological sculptures inside the temples, some of which are still active places of worship.

Pictutres shot during my recent visit to this historical place with D300 and Tamron 17-50/2.8

his historical place with D300 and Tamron 17-50/2.8

1 comment:

  1. Hi, recently I had also been Hampi on 9th August 2014 and visited the entire structure. Temples, Water transportation system, Narsimha statue were superb. Due to overflowing of the Tungabhadra, we could not go other side of river.
    Need to visit once more.
