Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lodi Garden, New Delhi

Lodhi garden is one of the historical gardens in Delhi. Lodhi garden houses the tombs of Lodhi rulers. The tombs of Muhammad Shah, the 3rd leader of Sayyid dynasty and Sikandar Lodhi are located in the garden.The gardens derive their name from the four monuments built during the Lodi dynasty, the last of the Delhi Sultanate. Ibrahim Lodi, the last of the dynasty was defeated by Babur at the battle of Panipat and thus started the Mughal rule in India. The Lodi monuments add to the serenity of the environment of the gardens.
The monuments around which the gardens are laid out are Muhammed Shah's Tomb, Sikander Lodi's Tomb, Sheesh Gumbad and Bara Gumbad. The tomb of Mohammed Shah, the last of the Sayyid rulers, is the earliest of these and was built in 1444 by Ala-ud-din Alam Shah to pay a tribute to Muhammed Shah. The tomb of Sikander Lodi was built by Ibrahim Lodi in 1517. It has a striking resemblance to the tomb of Mohammed Shah.

The Bara Gumbad and the attached mosque were built in 1494 during the reign of Sikander Lodi. The Sheesh Gumbad or the Glazed Dome, which stands opposite Bara Gumbad and resembles it, was built around the same time. The Sheesh Gumbad is somewhat smaller in size compared to the Bara Gumbad.

Lodi Gardens are a real heaven of tranquility and peace from the hustle and bustle of Delhi. These gardens are very beautiful and home to a wide variety of trees and plants. 

Here are some of the pictures shot with Nikon S8200 p&s camera during one of my visits to this beautiful garden

Sheesh Gumbad


Three domed Mosque near Bada Gumbad

Tomb of unknown from Sheesh Gumbad

View of Tomb from the Sheesh Gumbad

Mohammad Shah's Tomb

Steps to Mohammad Shah's Tomb

Side view of Mohammad Shah's Tomb

Another view of the beautiful tomb of Mohammad Shah

Minaret outside Sikander Lodi's tomb

Walled enclosure of Sikander Lodi's Tomb

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